In addition to a system-side integration with a protocol, e.g. WebDAV, HiDrive can also be synchronised with your Apple Mac via the HiDrive app. This article shows you how to do this.


You can find out how to set up synchronisation between the HiDrive app and your Windows PC in the article "Synchronising Windows PC and HiDrive".

Setting up macOS synchronisation

  • Click on the HiDrive icon in the top menu bar of your Mac. A context menu opens.
  • Click on Settings > Tab: Synchronisation.
  • Click on the Select folder to synchronise button. All contents of the HiDrive folder on your Mac are displayed.
  • Deactivate the checkbox in front of a folder to exclude it and its contents from synchronisation.

To add other folders or files from your Mac, move them to your HiDrive folder.

Alternative synchronisation options

In addition to direct integration via the HiDrive app, you can also use the following protocols:

Please note that some protocols are only available in certain HiDrive contract types and tariff types. You can find out how to add missing protocols in this article.