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What is a ‘Registry Premium Domain’ and is it different from an IONOS Premium Domain?
Registry Premium domains have special requirements or restrictions set by the supporting registry and include non-standard “Premium” registration and renewal fees. You can find them offered to the public through a supporting registrar.
These differ from IONOS Premium domains, which are already registered by third parties and advertised for sale at a “one-off” price to IONOS customers through the IONOS Shop.
What are Unsupported Domains?
Certain two- or three-letter New Top Level Domains (nTLDs) are commonly designated by registries as “Premium” domains due to their higher perceived value. IONOS generally supports nTLDs; However, the IONOS Domain Checker will display an error message if a particular nTLD is designated as a Registry Premium domain. Such individual domains are not supported for registration or transfer due to the special conditions imposed by the nTLD registries.
There are some specific domain extensions which are prohibited. IONOS does not allow registration or transfer of any domains using these extensions:
- .ie
- .gov
The registries for these domains impose restrictions on who can register them or otherwise require conditions which are not currently supported. The IONOS Domain Checker will also display an error message when a registration or transfer for these domain types are requested:

Connecting an External Domain to Your IONOS Hosting Package
To use an unsupported domain with an IONOS hosting package, simply follow these steps:
- IONOS recommends that you register or transfer the Registry Premium or unsupported domain to fasthosts.
- Next, connect the domain to your IONOS hosting package by adding it as an external domain.
Once the domain connection is added, you will be able to use your domain and hosting package within 24 hours.