You can represent your brand or company on Facebook perfectly with a Facebook company page (called a "fan page"). Facebook users can find your fan page at Facebook, contact you and mark your page with "Like".

Unlike private Facebook profiles created by and for a private individual, Facebook fan pages provide a range of functionalities for keeping connected with "fans" of your company.

Creating a Facebook Page

Just follow Facebook's  instructions to create your Facebook page:
Creating a Facebook Page

Tip: Be sure to place a link to your website on your Facebook page.
This will allow prospective customers to easily access your website and you benefit from more website visitors.

You should place a link to your Facebook page on your website to help your Facebook page get lots of fans quickly. Facebook offers "social plug-ins" with which you can place a "Like" button directly on your website.

As a MyWebsite user,  you can activate the  Twitter Follow button directly in your website editor. If you use another system to manage your website, you can find the official guide on including a "Like" button on Facebook:
Including a "Like" Button on Your Website

Tip: You can convert your private Facebook profile into a Facebook page at any time:
Converting a Facebook Profile Into a Facebook Fan Page