Twitter is a social network where users can send short messages up to 280 characters long. Twitter is used by many companies to stay in touch with their customers – known as Twitter "followers".

Increase your reach by creating a Twitter profile.

Creating ###Twitter### Profile

Follow Twitter's instructions to create a profile:

Tip: Be sure to add a website link to your profile. That's the only way your followers can easily find and access your site.

You should advertise your Twitter profile on your website to get followers quickly. Twitter offers a  Follow button that you can integrate on your website. This will allow your visitors to follow your Twitter profile with just one click.

Include Follow Button in Other Websites

You will find official  instructions to integrate the Follow button on Twitter:

Alternatively, you can place a simple link to your Twitter profile on your website.

Twitter Profile Not Recognised by Website-Checker

The following criteria must be met for the Website-Checker to correctly recognise your Twitter profile:

  • Your website links to your Twitter profile or you use the Follow button.
  • Your Twitter profile has a link to your website.