A touch icon is an image that is displayed for your website on mobile devices if visitors save your site as a bookmark or add it to their home screens.

A touch icon makes it easier for your visitors to find your website in the bookmarks list. It is especially important that the touch icon is easy to recognise. For this reason, use  your logo design and the colour scheme of your website as a guide.

Creating a Touch Icon with MyWebsite

  • Create a PNG-sized graphic with at least 310x310 pixels using an image editor of your choice.
  • In the Main Menu of MyWebsite, click Settings.
  • In the Adjust Advanced Settings section, click Favicon and Touch Icon.
  • Upload the touch icon.

Creating Touch Icon Manually

  • Create a PNG-sized graphic with at least 310x310 pixels using an image editor of your choice.
  • Favicon Generator helps you to convert the graphic to all required file formats and gives you detailed instructions on how to connect the touch icon to your website.