In addition to a system-side integration with a protocol, e.g. WebDAV, HiDrive can also be synchronized with your Windows PC via the HiDrive app. This article shows you how to do this.


You can find out how to set up synchronization between the HiDrive app and your Mac in the article "Synchronizing Apple Mac and HiDrive".

HiDrive Make content available on your Windows PC

The following steps describe how to make the cloud storage of HiDrive available on your local Windows PC. This step-by-step guide was created with the HiDrive app for Windows (app version 2.0.0 and higher). Other versions may differ.

  • Open the Windows Explorer.
  • Make sure that the Windows Explorer navigation pane is displayed. It is activated in the top menu bar under View > Navigation pane.
  • In the navigation column, right-click on IONOS HiDrive > HiDrive settings. The HiDrive app opens.
  • If required, change the storage location of your HiDrive data at the top of the HiDrive app.
  • Navigate to the Synchronization data group.
  • Activate Synchronization of shared folders if you want team folders to be available on your Windows PC. You can find details on this topic in the article Sharing folders in HiDrive.
  • Click on the Selective synchronization > Activate button to select specific folders that HiDrive should synchronize with your Windows PC.

To change a synchronization that has already been set up, open the HiDrive app. Interrupt the current synchronization with the Deactivate synchronization button and make your changes.

Synchronize local Windows folders

The following steps describe how to synchronize folders on your local Windows PC with the cloud storage of HiDrive. The local Windows folders do not need to be in the local HiDrive directory.

  • Open the Windows Explorer.

  • Right-click on a folder and select HiDrive > Add to folder synchronization.

  • Alternatively: Select local folders within the HiDrive app.

The selected folder is added to HiDrive. Changes to data within the folder are automatically synchronized between the Windows PC and HiDrive.


For technical reasons, not all local folders can be synchronized with HiDrive. Exceptions are e.g:

  • entire drives, partitions and external media
  • System folders of applications
  • Local HiDrive directory, including shared and encrypted HiDrive folders

Recognising local folders in HiDrive

Open the HiDrive web application in your Internet browser. Select  Private in the left-hand HiDrive menu bar. Local folders have a special shortcut icon.

Changes made via the HiDrive web application, e.g. deleting or renaming, will also be made in the local folder. Please note that if synchronization is terminated, all data stored in the HiDrive cloud storage up to this point will be retained.

Name conflict during folder synchronization

It is not possible to add a local folder to HiDrive if a folder with the same name already exists in HiDrive. To add the local folder anyway, rename it.

Move encrypted HiDrive folder locally

Folders encrypted with HiDrive cannot be moved to local folders. Please note that HiDrive encryption is not available in all tariffs.

Write permissions for the folder are not available

The folder does not have write permissions to be able to synchronize with HiDrive. In Windows Explorer, adjust the authorizations via the folder's context menu.

Alternative synchronization options

In addition to direct integration via the HiDrive app, you can also use the following protocols:

Please note that some protocols are only available in certain HiDrive contract types and tariff types. You can find out how to add missing protocols in this article.