How to write a business email (15 samples for every occasion)

To ensure that an email is easy to understand, it should always be structured in the same way. It helps to have examples of professional email wording on hand so you don’t have to write every email from scratch. We’ve put together the most important email samples for your business.

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What is the advantage of using business email samples?

An email is often the first point of contact between a company and potential customers. In the best case scenario, your email not only gets straight to the point, but also impresses the customer and motivates them to take action.

In a professional context, there are certain standards that should be adhered to so that you can take a calm and collected approach when writing professional emails. If you have to write a lot of business emails, it is worth using email templates that observe basic standards. Whether you are organising an appointment, presenting your service portfolio or sending a specific offer, using templates not only saves time, but also ensures that the quality remains high for recurring communication.

Business email samples for making contact

Whether you are making initial contact, planning an appointment or discussing the specifics of an offer, contacting a customer and coordinating details with them often takes a lot of email correspondence. This is why having pre-written templates can be very useful.

The example emails below are written with a polite and formal customer relationship in mind. This is usually the most appropriate approach, especially at the beginning of an exchange. Depending on the industry and previous exchanges, there may be more suitable sign offs you can use, allowing you to give the communication a more personal touch.

Acknowledging receipt of email (e.g., via the contact form on a company website)

Subject: Thank you for your interest!

Dear [Name],

Thank you for your message and your interest in [company name] and our services.

We will reply to your message as soon as possible and are happy to assist you personally if you would like us to. Until then, you can also find information about our [products/services] on [link to social media, e.g., YouTube] or in our [link to download, e.g., company presentation or white paper], for example.

Best regards,

Your [company name] team

Follow-up email after no reply

Subject: How can we improve your [business goal]?

Dear [Name],

We were in contact a while ago about [request/product/project]. Just following up on this and would like to discuss the possibility of collaborating. Do you have time available in the coming week for a quick meeting?

Best regards,


[Email signature]


The personal signature at the end of an email is very important because it establishes and reinforces who you are as a company. Experience shows that a tidy and clearly structured professional email signature encourages the customer to get in touch as the important information is easy to find.

Welcoming new customers

Subject: We look forward to working together!

Dear [Name],

We are delighted that you have chosen us and our [product/service]. I have put together a series of documents to help you get started quickly. You can find them here: [link]. If you have any further questions about using the service, please contact me directly and I will gladly help.

Best regards,


[Email signature]

Follow-up email after first exchange/appointment

Subject: More info about offer from [company name]

Dear [Name],

I truly valued our conversation on [date] about [topic]. Your insights and dedication to the subject were evident, and I’m eager to delve deeper into our discussion.

Considering your busy schedule, I wanted to propose a follow-up meeting to further explore collaboration possibilities. Would you have time this coming week? Alternatively, I can send you additional information that you can look over at your leisure.

Best regards,


[Email signature]

Confirming an appointment

Subject: Confirmation of your appointment on [date] at [time]

Dear [Name],

I’m confirming our appointment on [date] at [time] to discuss [topic]. I currently have the meeting scheduled on our premises / via Microsoft Teams / Zoom etc. If you want to make any adjustments to our appointment or change any of the details, please call me at [phone number]. I look forward to meeting you on [date] and am available to answer any questions you might have in advance.

Best regards,


[Email signature]

Email Marketing
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  • Fast drag and drop editing with AI functions
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Business email samples for quotes and invoices

When initial discussions lead to project collaborations and potential orders, it is time to send offers and, once the work has been completed, invoices. It’s best to use templates for these standard emails in order to save time. Simply enter the date, invoice number etc., attach the file as a PDF and click send.

Sending an initial offer

Subject: Your individual offer

Dear [Name],

I am pleased to send you a personalised offer for [product/service]. Attached, you will find a detailed list of the individual components. If you have any questions or would like anything to be modified, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,


[Email signature]

Follow-up on an offer

Subject: Follow-up on our offer from [date]

Dear [Name],

A while ago, we discussed a list of costs for [product/service]. I know how busy you must be managing your team, but I was wondering if you had possibly had time to review this list. If you have any questions, I would be more than happy to hop on a quick call and provide you with any additional information you may need.

Please note that the offer is only valid until [date]. If you are still interested after this date has passed, we would need to discuss the conditions and details of the offer again.

Best regards,


[Email signature]

Invoice for service provided / product sold

Subject: Invoice [invoice number] for [product/service name] due [invoice due date]

Dear [Name],

Please find attached the invoice [invoice number] for [product/service name].

Please send the payment to the business account specified in the invoice by [invoice due date]. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Best regards,


[Email signature]

Reminder for unpaid invoice

Subject: Payment reminder: Invoice #[invoice number] due on [invoice due date]]

Dear [Name],

Our records show that we haven’t received a payment of [amount] for Invoice #[invoice number], which was due on [invoice due date]. Please transfer the amount to the account indicated on the invoice.

If the payment has already been sent, please disregard this email. In the event that you have lost the invoice, you can find a copy attached. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.

Best regards,


[Email signature]

Reminder for unpaid invoice with late fees incurred

Subject: Important: Late fees for overdue invoice

Dear [Name],

Unfortunately, we are writing to inform you that Invoice #[invoice number] has still not been paid. As a result, we have applied a late fee of [amount] in accordance with the mutually agreed terms of our contract.

To avoid additional late fees, please settle the invoice immediately.

If you have already settled this payment, please disregard this email.

Best regards,


[Email signature]


It’s not just the contents of your email that have to convey a professional corporate image, it’s also important to have a suitable email address as well. With IONOS, companies can create their own email address and impress recipients right from the start.

Professional email examples for increasing acquisitions

In addition to regular communication about appointments and invoices, emails are also often used to make initial contact with potential companies and new customers. Information such as presentations, for example, can also be sent by email and acts as a virtual business card from the get go.

Cold emailing potential customer groups

Subject: Check out our amazing offers

Dear [Name],

I came across your company via [source]. After reading more information about your company [on your website / in the press etc.], I am certain that our [product/service] could help you [solve a problem].

We are a company specialising in [topic] and have already advised and supported companies similar to yours, such as [list of suitable companies].

I’d love to talk to you in more detail about how our offer could benefit your company. Do you have time to connect this week? How about a short [phone call/video call] on [date], for example?

Best regards,


[Email signature]

Introducing a product via presentation in a meeting

Subject: Product launch - Discover the benefits of [product name]

Dear [Name],

I am super excited to announce our brand new product, [product name]. You will find all the information you need in the presentation attached. If you’re interested in learning more, I would be more than happy to present the details in a quick call and am available to answer any questions you may have about [product name].

Best regards,


[Email signature]

Business email examples for invitations

There are numerous occasions that require proactive communication when companies and new and existing customers are interacting. These include not only invitations to marketing materials such as newsletters or presentations, but also invitations to appointments and on-site events, which help to strengthen personal relationships.

Invitation to an in-person event

Subject: Invitation to [event name] on [date] at [location]

Dear [Name],

I’m writing to extend an invitation to you for our next [event name]. The event will take place at [location] on [date] from [start time] to [finish time]. Our program includes keynote speakers and workshops, as well as networking opportunities.

We respectfully ask that you RSVP by [date] if you would like to attend. I hope to see you there.

Best regards,


[Email signature]

Invitation to a webinar or webinar series

Subject: Learn everything about [topic] in [number] minutes on [date]

Dear [Name],

Don’t miss out on your chance to learn about [webinar topic]. The webinar will take place on [date] and is limited to [number] participants, so sign up quickly to secure your spot. Following the webinar, you will also receive links to a recording of the session and relevant resources. I hope you are able to make it.

Best regards,


[Email signature]

Newsletter registration

Subject: Always stay up to date on [subject area]

Dear [Name],

Are you already familiar with our exclusive newsletter that covers topics such as [topic, topic and topic]? Every [X weeks], you can receive exciting information about the subjects that interest you as well as insights into [success stories / usage examples / topic ideas etc.].

Register today and don’t miss out on the latest [topic] news in the future. Click here to register: [Link]

Best regards,


[Email signature]

Summary of when to use professional email samples

The more often an event takes place, the more useful it is to have a sample email ready to go. Each template is only as good as the business context in which it is used. Email clients are able to store business email examples, so it makes sense to have several samples of varying lengths saved so you can quickly choose one when emailing a recipient. The aim should always be to keep business processes as efficient as possible, and templates are well suited to general situations that are a regular occurence.

For spontaneous or unique situations, for example, when an apology is required, a generic template may not be the best choice. Luckily, we also have tips for how to write the perfect apology email.

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