What is the right to be forgotten?

What is the right to be forgotten?

‘The Internet never forgets’ — that’s the old saying. But for anyone in the jurisdiction of the European GDPR, that’s no longer the case. The right to be forgotten allows users to request that their personal data be deleted. Although the UK left the EU and adopted the UK GDPR,…

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How to remove personal information from Google

How to remove personal information from Google

The internet never forgets – is it always true? In some cases, search engines are obliged to grant users permission to delete defamatory search results. If Google displays personal data that is outdated or of no interest to the public, users can request the search engine to…

Data ProtectionData ProtectionGoogleGoogleBig DataBig Data
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Privacy Shield

Privacy Shield

For some years, the Privacy Shield has regulated the transfer of personal data from the EU to the US. But in July 2020, the Court of Justice for the European Union (CJEU) invalidated the Privacy Shield. For many companies, the end of the privacy agreement came as a complete…

Data ProtectionData Protection
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Trademark Law and Brand Protection

Trademark Law and Brand Protection

It makes sense for companies to protect their brand as early on as possible. This is how they safeguard themselves and their legal department from any trouble, and stop their competition from profiting from their good image and reputation. It’s also worthwhile for young online…

Company Start-UpCompany Start-UpE-CommerceE-Commerce
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Personal Data

Personal Data

What do your e-mail address, eye colour, preferred political party, and license plate have in common? They can all be regarded as personal data which companies and cybercriminals can use to draw direct or indirect conclusions about your physical, physiological, genetic,…

Data ProtectionData ProtectionSpamSpamSecuritySecurity
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Internet of Things

Internet of Things

The internet of things (IoT) is driving digital change. Smart household appliances and self-driving cars are already available. More and more everyday devices are being connected to form a comprehensive network that will eventually penetrate all areas of life. The 5G mobile…

EncyclopediaEncyclopediaBig DataBig DataDigitalisationDigitalisation
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Image Copyright Online

Image Copyright Online

Just because a photograph or artwork is available to view on the internet, doesn’t mean that you can use it for your own purposes. The creator’s consent and payment for royalties are often required. The rules don’t solely apply to sharing images that don’t belong to you; even if…

Data ProtectionData Protection
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How to use Creative Commons

How to use Creative Commons

Whether it’s music, photos, or graphics: an engaging website is full of visual elements and multimedia content. But not every website operator has the means to fill their site with their own professional images or music. A good alternative here are works published under a…

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Design Patents

Design Patents

Ever wondered why products never have the same shape and ornamentation, even when it comes to everyday items like toilet paper or bottles of beer? The answer lies in design right and registration. Though the UK’s independent body for copyright and design, the Intellectual…

ImagesImagesThemesThemesCompany Start-UpCompany Start-UpCSSCSSImage ProcessingImage Processing
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ePrivacy Regulation 2022

ePrivacy Regulation 2022

The EU plans to significantly tighten data security online: With the ePrivacy regulation, the collection of personal data should only be allowed following explicit allowance. At this point, it’s not certain what exactly will be included in the ePrivacy Regulation. Here, we’ve…

Data ProtectionData ProtectionOnline StoreOnline StoreE-CommerceE-Commerce
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