
What are the best Outlook alternatives?Rawpixel.comShutterstock

What are the best Outlook alternatives?

Traditional email is still a big part of online communication for private and for business use, with many users typically opting for Outlook as their email client. But many private users and small businesses often look for Outlook alternatives, since Outlook can often end up…

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Import PST to Outlook: step-by-step tutorial

Import PST to Outlook: step-by-step tutorial

Need to set up Outlook on a new device? Maybe an employee is leaving and a successor requires access to previous calendar entries? You can save time and effort by bundling information from Outlook and importing data as a PST file to Outlook. Our guide explains how to proceed step…

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Personal email domain: What is it and how to create an email address

Personal email domain: What is it and how to create an email address

A personal e-mail domain is a must in the commercial sphere. Conveying a professional image in your contact details will ensure that customers and businesses take you seriously. Find out about the advantages of having an individual mail domain and learn how to secure a personal…

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How to create an email group in Outlook (distribution list)ChinnapongShutterstock

How to create an email group in Outlook (distribution list)

Do you regularly send messages to specific groups of recipients? If so, you can make e-mailing easier by creating preconfigured distribution lists in Outlook. You can create contact groups and distribution lists in the online version as well as the desktop version of Microsoft…

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The perfect out of office message: examples and helpful tips

The perfect out of office message: examples and helpful tips

The out of office message is a crucial part of email communication in the workplace. If you don’t have access to your email, your contacts will want to know when you’ll be back and whether or not you’ll be represented by someone else in your absence. An out of office reply may be…

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How to recall mail in Outlook

How to recall mail in Outlook

It comes to the rescue when you think it’s too late: Outlook’s recall function enables you to delete e-mails after you’ve sent them or to replace them with a new version. However, it only works under certain conditions. We explain how to recall Outlook messages you’ve already…

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How to set up out of office message in Outlook

How to set up out of office message in Outlook

Automatic out-of-office replies are a great way to let your contacts know when you’re not available. You can easily send automatic out-of-office replies from Outlook. Moreover, with Outlook you can set up numerous special rules, for example for cases when important e-mails need…

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Outlook won’t start – what now?

Outlook won’t start – what now?

You cannot start Microsoft Outlook, your calendar is no longer accessible, an important e-mail can no longer be retrieved – when Microsoft’s popular and useful e-mail program fails, you have to laboriously access your inbox via your e-mail provider’s website. Usually, a defective…

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The double opt in process: Introduction and guidelines

The double opt in process: Introduction and guidelines

An inbox full of spam is enough to grind anyone’s gears. Too many marketers try to worm their way into the inboxes of potential customers without seeking permission. The double opt in process is used in the UK to try to combat spam. To ensure you don’t drive any customers away or…

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How to write the perfect email subject line for newsletters

How to write the perfect email subject line for newsletters

E-mail advertising is the ideal supplement to online marketing methods such as SEO or SEA. With the correct newsletter subject line, you can attract the reader’s attention – but it is crucial to choose the right content and text. Here are a few important basic rules for…

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