
How to use responsive search ads in Google

How to use responsive search ads in Google

Responsive search ads optimise the placement of Google ads and improve the size of your reach, click rate and conversions. When creating an ad, they offer more elements to show different headlines and descriptions. Responsive search ads use Google Machine Learning and successful…

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The 10 best blogging toolsChanwit IssarasuwipakornShutterstock

The 10 best blogging tools

There are lots of tools for bloggers out there, and anyone who runs a blog can certainly use some good tools. But it’s difficult to decide on the right blogging tools, especially for beginners. In our guide, you’ll find an overview of the most popular applications for bloggers.…

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Google search results: the evolution of the SERPs

Google search results: the evolution of the SERPs

Google has more or less shaped the way that we search for things online. The undisputed market leader among search engines has consistently found new features and functions to simplify and speed up the methods we use to find web pages and information on the internet. Since the…

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Google Ads optimisation – how to perfect your Google Ads campaign

Google Ads optimisation – how to perfect your Google Ads campaign

The success of a Google Ads campaign doesn’t rest solely on the size of a budget. There are plenty of tools and tricks to help you achieve promising results with a relatively low click cost, provided you take the time to maintain your campaign regularly. Read on to find out just…

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Ads.txt: what’s the function of the file?ITTIGalleryShutterstock

Ads.txt: what’s the function of the file?

Ads.txt is meant to help fight a scam in programmatic buying: the scam of domain spoofing. The underlying concept is as simple as it is efficient: publishers are given more control over who can trade their ad space, and control this via a simple text file. We explain what this…

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Google AdWords alternatives: the best platforms for effective SEA

Google AdWords alternatives: the best platforms for effective SEA

In order to advertise in search engines, most businesses will use Google AdWords. There can be no denying that both SEA and SEO efforts are always geared towards the market leader Google. However, for a healthy marketing mix it also makes sense to look at some Google AdWords…

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What is Google Ads?

What is Google Ads?

Google Ads is the most popular advertising platform for search engine displays. It also offers a portal to advertising space on various third-party sites through the Google Display Network. But how does Google Ads actually work? How much does Google Ads cost? And how can Google…

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URL tracking using UTM parameters: a simple explanation

URL tracking using UTM parameters: a simple explanation

Google Analytics offers several ways to associate website visits with specific sources. One of these is the UTM parameters that you attach to the links of your campaign and then evaluate in Google Analytics. We explain which UTM parameters are available and how you can create the…

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Content analytics and measuring success right

Content analytics and measuring success right

Strategic planning, laborious implementation, targeted promotion – anyone looking to make content marketing a sustainable aspect of their advertising campaign has their work cut out. But just because the content is online and has acquired its first likes doesn’t mean that the…

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Competition analysis: the best tools for checking out the competition

Competition analysis: the best tools for checking out the competition

If you only base your web project on your own marketing ideas, you run the risk of prioritising the wrong issues or losing sight of important tasks. To adapt your own campaign in terms of search engine optimisation and advertising, you need to carry out a selective competitor…

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