What are the best photo editing apps for iOS and Android?

What are the best photo editing apps for iOS and Android?

For many years now, optimising images on a smartphone or tablet has been viewed as just another step in the photography process. With digital technology becoming ever more sophisticated, photo-editing apps that can be installed directly on mobile devices look and perform in an…

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What is the best logo design software?Ruslan GrumbleShutterstock

What is the best logo design software?

A well-crafted logo is a symbol of your company's identity, conveying its values in the most concise way possible. Thankfully, various professional software programs for designing logos are available to help you craft a logo that accurately reflects your brand. From free to paid…

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How to choose the best logo sizeMike TaylorShutterstock

How to choose the best logo size

Your logo looks super sharp on your website, but is coming out fuzzy on social media or in print? That’s due to the logo size. To put your best foot forward on every platform, try to design a logo that looks good in many sizes so that it will look just as good on a business card…

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What’s the best logo format?Billion PhotosShutterstock

What’s the best logo format?

There are a wide variety of logo formats used for print and digital media. Which format is the best for your logo will depend on a variety of factors. So what’s the difference between a PDF, JPG, PNG, and SVG file? Keep reading to find out about the various logo file types,…

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How to choose logo colourskozirskyShutterstock

How to choose logo colours

Logos are the first point of contact with your brand for most potential customers. That’s why it’s important that your logo is original, easy to understand and uses the right colours. Keep reading to find out what factors influence colour perception, what the effects of different…

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How to create the perfect website style guide

How to create the perfect website style guide

Fixed guidelines about design and branding are essential for a professional and serious web presence. Companies usually outline these in what’s known as a style guide. These serve as outlines for web designers and editors, and have the aim of presenting companies or institutions…

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Where can I find website design ideas and inspiration?Ruslan GrumbleShutterstock

Where can I find website design ideas and inspiration?

Want to create a cool website design, but suffering from a lack of inspiration? We’ve got you covered. The internet plays host to a number of online platforms, communities, and blogs dedicated to sharing web design ideas and generating inspiration for digital artists. We’ve…

ResponsiveResponsiveImagesImagesThemesThemesContent MarketingContent Marketing
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What are the basics of website design?

What are the basics of website design?

Many users are often unaware of what exactly goes into making an aesthetically appealing website. But most successful websites follow some basic principles to ensure that a unified design adheres to a basic theme or message that is to be conveyed to the viewer. These questions…

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What is Responsive Design?

What is Responsive Design?

Modern websites are viewed on a large variety of devices, from smartphones with small screens to high-resolution 4K monitors. A responsive design is key to catering to this large range of media. Layout, typography, images, and navigation are designed so that they work smoothly on…

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What is EXIF Data?

What is EXIF Data?

The EXIF standard contains additional information about pictures. All JPEG and TIFF formats contain EXIF data, including details about the camera lens, camera model, date, and even GPS data. You should become familiar with EXIF if you want to protect data or need information for…

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