What are the most important SEO terms? An overview

What are the most important SEO terms? An overview

Search engine optimisation is an important component for a successful website, because without SEO your site is less likely to be displayed by Google and other search engines. However, the many SEO terms can be confusing, especially at the beginning. We’ve put together an SEO…

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What is hreflang? The HTML attribute for multilingual websites

What is hreflang? The HTML attribute for multilingual websites

To offer a website in several languages is a challenge in every respect. As well as translating the content and preparing it, other aspects such as networking and optimising the different versions for search engines need to be taken into account. To ensure that your efforts are…

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What are the best SEO tools? 10 tools comparedAndrii OrlovShutterstock

What are the best SEO tools? 10 tools compared

When you want to run a successful web business there’s no way of getting around Google and search engine optimisation or SEO for short. Once a secret marketing practice, there are now plenty of useful SEO tools available to guide beginners in finding and adding keywords and…

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How to optimise your website with AI SEOAndrii OrlovShutterstock

How to optimise your website with AI SEO

AI SEO is a type of search engine optimisation that uses AI-based tools. These tools make use of the strengths of artificial intelligence and help website operators optimise their sites for Google and other search engines. Which areas can AI SEO give the most support in? And…

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How to use a multiple domain strategy for SEOalice-photoShutterstock

How to use a multiple domain strategy for SEO

Traditionally, the contents of a website are placed under a single domain. In some cases, it is advantageous to distribute web content across multiple domains. But can a website have multiple domains at all and what are the benefits of having multiple domains? We clarify these…

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What role does SEO play in domain name selection?

What role does SEO play in domain name selection?

For a site to position well in the search results, there are many technical, strategic, and content-related requirements that need to be fulfilled. Is the domain name a factor? Is there such as thing as the perfect SEO domain? The domain name is important for SEO, but how do you…

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What does Google know about me?

What does Google know about me?

What does Google know about me? Because billions of people use YouTube, Gmail, Google Maps, and Search every day, the answer is ‘quite a lot’. Google collects and analyses tons of user data to hone their adverts. But what exactly does Google know about you, specifically? This…

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How to write an effective meta descriptionvectorfusionartShutterstock

How to write an effective meta description

A meta description provides information about the content of a webpage and plays an important role in the overall visibility of a webpage. In this article, we’ll go over why meta descriptions are important for navigating online content and how to write one. At the end of the…

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Promoting your website: crash course for beginners

Promoting your website: crash course for beginners

There are well over one billion websites worldwide. If you’re a newcomer and want to improve your online presence, you need a well-thought-out strategy and a lot of patience. But solid online marketing efforts can give a website the desired reach. From SEM, to display, to mobile:…

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Graphical User Interface

Graphical User Interface

User interface is one of the most important keywords in modern web design and software development. Graphical user interfaces are currently relevant for both disciplines. Besides these, there are also numerous other interfaces — ranging from voice user interfaces to…

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