Target Groups

What server operating systems are there? A brief history of server OSs

What server operating systems are there? A brief history of server OSs

Operating systems have gone through some major changes over the years. While their beginnings are rooted in more humble, purely text-based user interfaces, today’s options have evolved into complex software packages with graphical interfaces, comprising an elegant go-between for…

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How does Snapchat advertising work?

How does Snapchat advertising work?

If you want to advertise on Snapchat, you can use various advertising formats, such as Snap Ads or filters. But how does Snap advertising work and how much do the different types of advertising cost? How are the advertising formats created? And is it worth the effort for your…

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How to create a club website

How to create a club website

A club website can support a club in many different ways. It can be used to provide general information about the club, for recruiting members and simply for credibility. A club website can also be used to publicise event dates and report news. This makes a club appealing, not…

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How to create a successful e-mail campaignRawpixel.comShutterstock

How to create a successful e-mail campaign

E-mail campaigns are an important part of e-mail marketing. They are a great way of keeping your customers informed about company news and new products. But not every e-mail campaign is a success. We explain exactly what is meant by an e-mail campaign and the dos and don’ts you…

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How to use persuasive communication in advertising

How to use persuasive communication in advertising

Persuasive communication in advertising and marketing has the power to convince customers to buy or use a certain product or service. In our article, we’ll outline how effective persuasive communication appeals to the needs and interests of customers, and we’ll examine the…

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How to find your target audience in 5 steps

How to find your target audience in 5 steps

To market your products or services you need to identify your target audience. Many don’t do this correctly. In this guide we will tell you how to find your target audience as well as why it’s important to know your competitors and market and where to find the right data. You…

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What is a target audience?

What is a target audience?

If you work in marketing, you will come across target audiences. They are helpful in making messaging clearer as well as making marketing campaigns and businesses more successful. So what exactly are target audiences, what do they mean for your business and what characteristics…

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How to use meme marketing in business

How to use meme marketing in business

Memes are an integral part of life on the Internet, especially on social networking sites. These funny pictures with a short text are easy to understand, often say more than many words, and are easily shared. Businesses can also take advantage of this. Find out how meme marketing…

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The double opt in process: Introduction and guidelines

The double opt in process: Introduction and guidelines

An inbox full of spam is enough to grind anyone’s gears. Too many marketers try to worm their way into the inboxes of potential customers without seeking permission. The double opt in process is used in the UK to try to combat spam. To ensure you don’t drive any customers away or…

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How to create a personalised email newsletter

How to create a personalised email newsletter

Whether they’re used in the e-commerce or publishing field: newsletters and e-mails offer an excellent way to get in touch with customers and strengthen the bond with them by providing interesting and valuable content. You won’t get very far with mass e-mails and standard…

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