How to link a custom domain to Tumblr

How to link a custom domain to Tumblr

The default URLs that Tumblr users receive lack individuality, with only the subdomain of the address allowing for customisation. For a small annual fee, however, you can link Tumblr to a custom domain to make it more unique. Setting it up is quick and only requires a few steps…

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How to use a custom domain with Outlook

How to use a custom domain with Outlook

Replace standard addresses like, or with a personalised one by synchronising your Outlook account with a custom domain. Find out what you need and how to set up custom domain for Outlook here. We’ll cover everything from how to register a…

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How to set up a custom Substack domain

How to set up a custom Substack domain

Newsletters published on Substack are typically sent with a `` URL. If you want to customise your Substack address, you can pay to set up an alternative domain. What are the requirements for this? And how exactly do you connect a domain of your choosing with Substack?…

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How to create a custom Blogger domain

How to create a custom Blogger domain

Google‘s blogging tool Blogger makes building your own blog super simple. But the service doesn’t offer a custom web address. To stand out and make your blog easier to find, you can use Blogger with a custom domain. But where can you get a Blogger domain, and how do you link it…

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What is a domain? Definitions and examplesalice-photoShutterstock

What is a domain? Definitions and examples

What is a domain? Despite the frequent use of this word, it’s often unclear what the functions and structures of domains are. Knowing the hierarchical structure of the Domain Name System (DNS) is fundamental for anyone working in the field of web hosting. We’ll explain the…

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How to use a multiple domain strategy for SEOalice-photoShutterstock

How to use a multiple domain strategy for SEO

Traditionally, the contents of a website are placed under a single domain. In some cases, it is advantageous to distribute web content across multiple domains. But can a website have multiple domains at all and what are the benefits of having multiple domains? We clarify these…

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What are expired domains?

What are expired domains?

Buying expired domains can be a lucrative business, as a case from the U.S. shows. University graduate Cameron Harris was able to make himself more than $20,000 (around £16,000) thanks to an expired domain. But how did this small fortune come to be? Read more about expired…

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What role does SEO play in domain name selection?

What role does SEO play in domain name selection?

For a site to position well in the search results, there are many technical, strategic, and content-related requirements that need to be fulfilled. Is the domain name a factor? Is there such as thing as the perfect SEO domain? The domain name is important for SEO, but how do you…

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How to link a Google Site with a custom domain

How to link a Google Site with a custom domain

Google Sites websites are accessible through a subdomain within the general domain of the Google website tool. You can link your projects in Google Sites with your own domain and benefit from an individual web address. In our article, we’ll tell you how to link a Google Site with…

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How to link ProtonMail with a custom domain

How to link ProtonMail with a custom domain

You can link your ProtonMail inbox with your custom domain if you have a paid account. Setting up an individual email address will stand out from the standard addresses under the Proton domain. But what are the requirements and how do you connect the two? Our article tells you…

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