
What is a backend?

What is a backend?

A backend is the area of a website or app that’s not accessible to normal users. Any functioning software will need both a backend and a frontend. But what are you able to do in a backend? And what tools are available to help with backend development? Keep reading to find out…

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What is a frontend?ellisiaShutterstock

What is a frontend?

A frontend is the graphic user interface of a website or app. It’s the part of a site that users can see and interact with. While the backend runs on the server, the frontend runs on the client. While the frontend and backend are independent of one another, both are necessary for…

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What is a website?

What is a website?

What exactly is a website? Who needs one, and what are the different options available for private users and businesses? There are solutions for beginners, which require no programming knowledge. These solutions, especially content management systems, have established themselves…

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How to create a website with WordPress for beginnersvectorfusionartShutterstock

How to create a website with WordPress for beginners

Do you want to have your own website, but hardly have any programing skills? With a content management system, you can create a homepage for yourself or your company without HTML knowledge. Our WordPress guide will guide you step-by-step through the website making process, from…

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Which platform is right for you? Shopify vs WordPresspashaboShutterstock

Which platform is right for you? Shopify vs WordPress

Shopify or WordPress - this is one of the most important questions to think about before setting up an online shop. There is no simple answer to which system is better. It is important to narrow down the project first, as well as be aware of your own time and tech know-how…

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How to transfer or change your WordPress domain

How to transfer or change your WordPress domain

WordPress websites are always subject to change. Some users may be dissatisfied with their provider and want to change web host, while others may be unhappy with their current domain name and want a new web address. With WordPress, it’s easy to transfer domains and change…

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What are the best WordPress membership plugins?

What are the best WordPress membership plugins?

If you want to create a membership site for your WordPress website, there are countless options to choose from. These differ primarily in terms of the features they offer and their cost. In this article, we’ll explain how a membership site can take your WordPress website to the…

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How to set the best WordPress image size for quick loadingRawpixel.comShutterstock

How to set the best WordPress image size for quick loading

WordPress image sizes are a means to influence the loading speed of a website. The CMS automatically creates multiple versions in different sizes during media upload. These can be defined beforehand with certain limits in the settings. Further adjustments of the WordPress image…

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The best WordPress chat plug-ins compared

The best WordPress chat plug-ins compared

In most cases, visitors to a website will be quick to close the site if they can’t find the information they’re looking for. A WordPress chat plug-in lets you answer user questions in real time, increasing your conversion rate, building trust, and fostering customer…

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How to use the WordPress get_posts function

How to use the WordPress get_posts function

The get_posts function for WordPress allows you to filter the posts on your website and show them according to certain parameters. We will show you how to use WP get_posts with some examples and explain when the function is particularly useful. You will also learn what…

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