What is shared hosting?

Shared hosting’s definition describes it as a web hosting model whereby a variety of websites make use of a common pool of server resources. This process entails distributing storage capacity, RAM, and the device’s CPU (which acts as the basis of this model) throughout all the involved users. Websites running on shared servers can be accessed with their own individual domains and are stored on a separate partition of the hard drive space. This allows users to work on their own individual projects despite the fact that hardware is being shared. Inexpensive hosting options are particularly popular when starting out. We’ve laid out the pros and cons of this web hosting model and highlighted some of the differences to look out for when opting for free hosting options, using dedicated servers, and operating private servers.

The pros and cons of shared hosting

Shared web hosting options are aimed primarily at private website owners and small-to-midsized businesses that expect only a modest number of visitors to their sites. Shared hosting models are able to offer these target groups a wide range of advantages. Bigger projects, on the other hand, will quickly find the number of entry-level options for web hosting to be quite limited. The high demands of such projects can be met with IONOS’s high performance dedicated servers and cloud-based alternatives.

  • Advantages: given that all users share the cost of hosting platforms’ various server resources, there is a range of quite affordable shared hosting options on the market. Unlike managing a private server, shared hosting doesn’t demand any costs from its users for the hardware’s upkeep. Maintenance, repair, and updates are all the web hosting provider’s responsibility, allowing users to concentrate entirely on their web projects. This convenience is compounded by the user-friendly configuration tools that many providers offer.  The integrated app centre with IONOS shared hosting enables website owners to centrally manage their web space. Installing the most popular open source applications only takes a few clicks.
  • Disadvantages: by definition, shared hosting is associated with limited hardware use. Given that all the server resources have to be divided up among the various hosted websites, users of this hosting model can only take advantage of a portion of the server’s overall capacity. Following this, when one site on the hosting platform experiences a large amount of traffic, this heavy workload may have a negative effect on other websites hosted on the same server. Depending on the service model, however, shared hosting users are guaranteed a minimum performance, which in turn ensures a smooth and stable experience. User accessed management and administrative functions are significantly limited with this model. Fundamental hardware configuration that affect users is left entirely up to the provider. These are some most prominent differences between shared hosting and other options, like virtual and dedicated servers (which normally provide users with root access).
Web Hosting
Secure, reliable hosting for your website
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Shared hosting: security isn’t just for the experts

In terms of security and stability, a major advantage of shared hosting is the professional administration carried out by the providers. While dedicated server users have to take care of their own security measures, shared hosting gives those who are just starting out with e-commerce the ability to run a responsible website. With features like automatic backups, a content delivery network, and the ability to access your stored information from multiple locations, it’s clear that shared hosting with IONOS focusses on data security and availability. Potential attacks from the internet are prevented by IONOS web hosting products’ effective DDoS protection.

How shared hosting differs from other hosting options

One popular alternative to shared hosting options is free hosting. Users willing to pass on a few essential features will have no trouble finding a host of free services online. While shared hosting always contains an individual domain, free hosting users are usually only offered subdomains under the addresses of their hosting providers – a clear turn off for commercial web projects aiming for a professional appearance. Another drawback: free hosting services are most often financed through advertisements, often on their users’ sites, making it difficult to flexibly monetise web projects.

Privately hosted servers are of course alternatives to shared hosting as well as the other models mentioned here. But this route is best pursued by experienced users or businesses that possess both the financial means and technical know-how required for setting up such complicated IT infrastructure. Securely operating a server requires expert administrators and regular hardware as well as software updates. Specialised data centres are generally viable alternatives to setting up shop within company quarters. 

Tip: Free web hosting

With Deploy Now you can host your first 3 GitHub projects for free on IONOS' high-performance infrastructure. Try free web hosting from IONOS now.

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