How to write a goodbye email to coworkers and clients

As your last day at work approaches, you should think about how you’re going to formulate a successful farewell email for your colleagues. To help you avoid making mistakes and rambling, read our tips for writing a successful last working day email.

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The basics of a successful farewell email

Sending a final email at the end of your employment relationship is not only good manners these days, but it is also a way to reach employees and partners in other places who you are unable to say goodbye to in person. The farewell email can also contain important information for your clients and colleagues, e.g. disclosing who will be taking over your projects, so it is therefore essential. However, there are a few things to bear in mind when writing a goodbye email to colleagues.

  • Professionality: When sending other forms of communication at work, you ensure they sound professional and are free of spelling mistakes, and a farewell email should be no different. Simply follow the rules for writing successful business emails.
  • Appropriate tone: You should base the tone of your goodbye email on what the norm is in your industry. Try to avoid being overly emotional and remain authentic, funny and optimistic.
  • Contact details: Add contact details to your farewell email to your coworkers and customers so they can reach you if they need to. This could be your LinkedIn profile, for example.
  • Positivity: Regardless of the circumstances that have led to you sending the farewell email, make sure to leave a positive last impression.

Copying another employee’s goodbye email is not a good idea. However, it can be useful to use past farewell emails in your company as inspiration. However, do not copy them word for word.

Who should you send your goodbye email to?

Who you address your farewell email to depends largely on the nature of your job and the structures in place there.

  • Colleagues: In small or medium-sized companies, you send your email to all employees.
  • Supervisors and department: In large corporations, it is better to concentrate on your supervisors and your department.
  • Customers: A farewell email to customers is also an option.

A goodbye email to clients can be useful if you have external professional contacts who you would like to say goodbye to personally or you want to inform them about who will take over your projects in the future. However, an out of office message may also be sufficient, for example in the event of a termination.

What should you write in the subject line?

The first thing your colleagues will see is the subject line, which is why it should be appropriate and aptly chosen. Make sure that the subject matches the tone of your farewell email when changing jobs. Below you will find some examples of a classic and somewhat more casual nature:

  • Off to new adventures!
  • Goodbye and all the best for the future
  • Saying goodbye is never easy
  • With gratitude and good wishes
  • Farewell, and thanks for everything!
  • I bid you adieu!
  • Thanks for all the great memories!
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What should you include in your goodbye email to your colleagues?

The tone, length and details you choose for your farewell email depend on how long you were with the company, what your role was and how your company is structured. A goodbye email to your coworkers after six months at a start-up will differ from a farewell email written after 25 years in a leadership role at a multinational corporation.

You can mention why you’re leaving, but depending on the reason, this may or may not be a good idea. For example, if you were fired or found a new job, it may be more tactful not to include this information. Of course, a farewell email before retirement is different. If you’re only leaving your job temporarily, you should communicate that. You may also need an out of office message for your parental leave or sabbatical.

Your farewell email should include

  • Date of your last workday

  • Your contact information

  • Name of the new point of contact/replacement for your projects or role

  • Link to your profile on business networking sites such as LinkedIn, your own website or Instagram, X account, etc.

  • Date, location and details of your office farewell party (if planned)

Your farewell email shouldn’t include

  • Criticism and gripes: Negative things are best discussed face to face. Moreover, it looks very unprofessional if you make disparaging remarks in your last email.
  • New employer: You don’t have to mention your new employer in a goodbye email. In some cases, this can be counterproductive if the company is a competitor or if your departure is fraught with problems.

When should you send your goodbye email?

Always send your farewell email a few days before your last day of work. That way your coworkers will have enough time to say goodbye to you personally and maybe even organise a going away present. If you’re planning to have a going away party, send the invite a few days ahead of time so your coworkers have enough notice.

If necessary, discuss the timing of your farewell email with your boss. In any case, make sure your departure has already been communicated within your company before you send your goodbye email. That way you’ll avoid surprises and misunderstandings.

Examples of farewell emails to colleagues

When writing a farewell email to coworkers, having examples to hand can be extremely helpful as a rough guide. Your individual situation is relevant for the exact wording of your farewell email.

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Short and sweet farewell email to colleagues

Subject line: Thank you and farewell

Dear Team,

I wanted to let you know that [date] will be my last day at [company]. I am so grateful for my time spent here and thoroughly enjoyed working with all of you. [Colleague name] will be handling all my responsibilities (email, phone) in the future. I would love to stay connected with you on LinkedIn [link to profile].

Best wishes,

[your name]

[phone, email]


The short and sweet version can also be used as an example for farewell emails to customers. If you worked with a customer for many years and were always in touch with the same people there, you can send a more personal, but not too emotional version of this email.

Heartfelt and personal farewell email to colleagues due to retirement

Subject line: Saying farewell after 25 wonderful years

Hello Everyone,

It’s hard to believe, but I’m finally retiring after 25 wonderful years at [company]. Saying goodbye isn’t easy. We’ve had many amazing experiences together and collaborated on countless successful projects. I am so grateful for the many lasting friendships I have made. I feel fortunate to have worked with such kind and dedicated people. Saying farewell is bittersweet for me, I’ll miss you all so much, but I’m also grateful because I couldn’t have imagined a better place to work.

Please keep in touch! You can reach me at [email] or [phone].

Warm regards,

[your name]

Lighthearted and informal farewell email to colleagues

Subject line: Bye for now!

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to say it has been amazing working with you all (and the crazy office quiz nights won’t be forgotten anytime soon)! Starting next Monday, you’ll have to get in touch with [name], who’s excited to work with you as well. Don’t be sad, I won’t be far away! I’ll be starting my new job as a [position] at [company] on [date]. I’d love to keep in touch. Here’s my info: [email, phone, LinkedIn, social media account].

All the best,

[your name]

Witty farewell email to colleagues

Subject line: Farewell and thanks for all the spreadsheets!

Hello everyone,

It’s time for my departure from our great team. Each of you has contributed to making my time here more than just a job and I’ve loved every minute of it. I hope you have just as much fun with my successor [their name] as you did with me.

Let’s keep up the energy we had together. I’m sure our paths will cross again. Until then, it would be great if we could keep in touch: [email, phone, LinkedIn, social media account].

Thanks for everything!

[your name]

Farewell email to colleagues after a working student job or internship

Subject line: It’s bittersweet saying goodbye

Hello everyone,

As my internship comes to an end, I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude for the valuable experience and support I have received during my time here. I’ve learned a lot working with you over the past few months and it’s made me realise how much I want to keep working in this field. The insights and skills I have gained will have a lasting impact on my professional development.

I am grateful for the opportunity to have been part of this team and will have fond memories of my time here. I hope that our paths will cross again in the future.

Even though I won’t be seeing you around the office, I hope we can keep in touch: [email, phone, LinkedIn, social media account].

Best wishes,

[your name]

Temporary farewell email to colleagues

Subject line: Time for a break, but I’ll be back!

Hello everyone,

I would like to inform you that I will soon be taking a break from working life. This was not an easy decision, but I see it as an important time to develop personally and find new inspiration. During this period, I will focus entirely on my personal projects.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude for your support and cooperation during my time here and I am confident that I will return with fresh energy and new ideas after my time away.

In the meantime, I am available for any urgent matters and will do my best to ensure a smooth transition. I look forward to seeing you again when I return and hearing how things have progressed here.

Take care until then.

[your name]

Farewell email to colleagues with a quote

Subject line: Leaving my desk, but not my memories

Hi everyone,

It is with a heavy heart that I say goodbye to you today. My time at [company name] was an unforgettable journey full of learning moments, friendships and shared successes that I will never forget.

I would like to express my sincere thanks to all of you for your support over the years. As I now prepare for my next adventure, I am confident that our paths will cross again in the future. I look forward to hearing about company updates as I am sure it will continue to be successful.

“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened”. - Dr. Suess.

Best regards and wishes for the future.

[your name]

[email, phone, LinkedIn, social media account]

Farewell email to colleagues with song lyrics

Subject line: Times are changing – thanks a lot and see you around!

Hi everyone,

The time has come to say goodbye and it is time to move on to my next adventure. I would like to thank you for the unforgettable moments and the valuable time I have spent here at [company name].

I agree with Bob Dylan when he said - or rather - sang, “The times they are a-changin’”. Change is an inevitable part of life and often brings new opportunities and possibilities so as I prepare for new challenges, I would like to thank you for everything and wish you all the best for your future projects and endeavours.

With warm regards and gratitude,

[your name]

Farewell email to clients

Subject line: Thank you for the great teamwork

Dear [client name],

I wanted to inform you personally that I am leaving [company name] as of [date]. I would like to thank you very much for your support and the successful partnership. It has been a pleasure to work with you.

Please be assured that all ongoing matters will be seamlessly transferred to [colleague name] to ensure that the partnership continues to run as smoothly as possible.

Thank you for your trust and all the best for your future endeavours.

Warm regards,

[your name]

Farewell email to colleagues due to parental leave

Subject line: A temporary goodbye

Hi team,

I am writing to let you know that I will be taking parental leave on [date]. It is an exciting time for me and my family as we get to know our new family member.

I would like to express my sincere thanks to all of you for the great teamwork and support. In my absence, [colleague name] will be taking over my duties to ensure that everything runs smoothly. However, I will still be available via email for urgent matters.

I look forward to returning after my parental leave and continuing to work with you. Until then, I wish you all the best.

[your name]

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