What does error code 0x800705b4 mean and how to fix it?

Error code 0x800705b4 may occur when you try to install an update. To solve the problem, you can temporarily disable your security, restart the update service, or troubleshoot the problem.

What is 0x800705b4?

There are two possible scenarios in which you may encounter error code 0x800705b4. Often, the error occurs when performing an update. The error message may read something like: ‘Problems occurred while installing updates. We will try again later. If this error continues to occur and you want to search for information on the web or contact support, this error code may be helpful: 0x800705b4’. The error occurs when during an update one or more system components fail to respond and Windows interrupts the process. In rare cases, Windows Defender is the trigger for 0x800705b4.

There are different causes for the error. Third-party antivirus programs are often the reason for the interruption. Windows’ own firewall can be the source of the error. Another possibility is a problem within a driver. In any case, you should fix 0x800705b4 as soon as possible. As long as the problem exists, the corresponding updates cannot be performed or cannot be performed completely. In the worst case, there’s a risk of data loss. We’ll show you options to solve error code 0x800705b4.

Switch off virus scanner and firewall

Since 0x800705b4 is often due to third-party virus scanners, try to temporarily disable them and then repeat the update process. If this isn’t successful, temporarily disable the Windows Defender Firewall. To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. Press the key combination [Windows] and [R], thereby opening the ‘Run’ window.
  2. Type the search term ‘control’ and confirm with ‘OK’ or [Enter].
  3. Select the ‘Windows Defender Firewall’ option in the Control Panel.
  4. Click on the sub-item ‘Switch firewall on or off’ on the left-hand side.
  5. Place a tick in front of ‘Disable Windows Defender Firewall (not recommended)’ in the ‘Private Network Settings’ and ‘Public Network Settings’ sections, and confirm your selection.
  6. Perform the update again.

Regardless of whether the error code 0x800705b4 is fixed or not, following the new update, activate the Firewall again. To do this, head back to the settings listed above and check ‘Enable Windows Defender Firewall’.


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Relaunch the update service

You could also try fixing a 0x800705b4 error by updating the settings. Restarting the update service may solve the problem. To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. Launch the settings.
  2. Click the ‘Update & Security’ option.
  3. Select ‘Advanced options’.
  4. Under ‘Update Options’ you’ll find ‘Get updates for other Microsoft products when you update Windows’. Move the slider to ‘Off’.
  5. Now press the [Windows] and [X] keys together to open the command prompt using administrator rights.
  6. Enter the command net stop wuauserv and confirm your entry. This forces the update service to stop.
  7. Now enter net start wuauserv and confirm the command. This restarts the update service and error code 0x800705b4 should be a thing of the past.

Troubleshooting can fix error code 0x800705b4

A third option to stop 0x800705b4 involves utilising the Windows Troubleshooter, which assists in resolving the issue. The required steps are:

  1. Launch the settings.
  2. Click ‘Update & Security’.
  3. Select ‘Troubleshoot’.
  4. Click ‘Windows Update’ and run the troubleshooter. Now the system starts scanning and fixes any issues.

Find the solutions for numerous other error codes in our Digital Guide. Here’s a small selection:

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