How to start selling jewellery online

The online share of jewellery sales is steadily growing, and trading in it is becoming more and more attractive. It all starts with finding an online marketplace like Amazon, Etsy, or similar. You also need original ideas and a clear target group, and you need to be good at maintaining your personal brand.

What are the pros of selling jewellery online?

The jewellery business is a fiercely competitive sector in e-commerce. Statistics on online sales of jewellery show it’s one of the most purchased products, along with electronics and household goods. If you’re toying with the idea of selling products online, they you should consider selling jewellery.

There are many pros to selling jewellery online and make having your own jewellery business attractive despite the competition. These include:

  • Large profit margins from 25 to 75 percent
  • Many niche areas for specialised jewellery
  • Many low-cost, free, and scalable online sales platforms
  • Easy entry to online jewellery business with own online shop
  • Easy to store and ship thanks to light weight and compact size
  • Many possibilities due to many jewellery categories
  • Personalisation through engravings or jewellery on request/order
  • Higher prices for luxury items
  • Sale of handmade jewellery or by dropshipping
  • Subjective aesthetic perception can be guided by online marketing

How do you sell jewellery online?

There are many options when it comes to selling jewellery online. To find out the best method for you, start by asking yourself these questions:

  • What kind of jewellery do I want to sell?
  • Who is my target group?
  • Which categories (necklaces, rings, watches, bracelets, etc.) do I want to sell?
  • How much do I want to invest?
  • Do I want to sell handmade items or purchase them from jewellery designers?
  • Will I cover storage and transport?
  • Do I want to start my own brand or act as an intermediary seller?

Answer these questions as early on as possible because the platform and tools you’ll need will depend on this.

Sell via online shop or online marketplace?

If you’re selling jewellery online, then you need a shop or a selling platform. Having your ‘own shop’ doesn’t have to be your own website, because you can sell jewellery both through your own online shop and through a seller account on Amazon, Alibaba, or Etsy and other alternatives.

Online shop on your own website

Pros Cons
No subscription fees for seller status on online marketplace Costs for hosting, web space, and creation and extension of the website
Direct customer contact improves customer relationship More effort and risks due to customer service and returns
Follow your own regulations, terms and conditions, or sales restrictions Website safety needs to be ensured through SSL and data protection measures
Individual design improves brand recognition and store perception Logistics, shipping, and storage needs to be planned and managed

Online shop on a sales platform or online marketplace

Pros Cons
Easy registration, quick to start, and no effort like having your own website Need to follow rules and regulations of the online marketplaces
Options for shipping, storage, and transport at a small fee (See ‘Fulfillment’ on Amazon) Possible sales and inventory restrictions
Online marketplaces like Amazon are already known and trusted by customers Fees and commission for use and sale
Greater reach due to international customers Many competitors and oversaturated markets

Selling jewellery online in your own online shop

If you’ve opted for own online shop, you’ll need to create and set up a website. Both free and paid software tools are available. For example, you can create a free online shop with WordPress and combine it with WordPress plugins like the e-commerce plugin WooCommerce. Many WooCommerce plugins to optimise orders and payments promise to make your WordPress CMS (content management system) not only a solid professional website, but also a powerful sales platform.


Use the popular WordPress plugin WooCommerce for your online store and focus on your business with the help of WooCommerce Hosting from IONOS with SSL, mobile app, and automatic updates.

There are many WordPress alternatives and WooCommerce alternatives that can help you create a website with an online store complete with inventory management. You can add products and offers to your shop with social commerce and social selling and market it via social media by for example activating the “sell on Instagram” feature. As an aesthetic product, jewellery is especially well suited for an appealing Instagram online shop. Here, the most important thing is excellent product photography.

But let’s not forget about all-in-one online store solutions like Shopify and other alternatives including Shopware and BigCommerce. These aren’t very expensive but offer everything you’ll need and a connection to an online marketplace. From easy setup to tailored designs, product presentations, and managing orders, contracts, and shipping: e-commerce platforms and store builders bundle all the important tools and can be scaled flexibly depending on your budget.

Tools to create an online shop

Online shop tools Pros Cons
WordPress + WooCommerce plugin Versatile CMS
Ideal for online stores
Many key shop features only available with paid plugins
Shopify All-in-one solution for e-commerce and online shops Only paid version available
Focused on B2C
BigCommerce High-performance shop software for e-commerce and store management Set up can take some getting used to
Important features cost extra
Shopware Extensive store system
Includes all important tools for B2C and B2B
Additional costs for paid subscription higher than e.g. with WooCommerce
Squarespace CMS based on SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) with integrated hosting and commerce features as a shop system Rather limited e-commerce features
Fewer design templates
Limited languages

Starting out in e-commerce doesn’t have to be hard. With IONOS you can easily build an e-commerce website with many design templates, a link to a store platform, and B2B seller channels.

Selling jewellery on online marketplaces

There are many online marketplaces on which you can sell jewellery, but the biggest platforms are undoubtedly Amazon, eBay, Alibaba, and Etsy. With Amazon leading online sales by a wide margin, you shouldn’t miss the chance to sell your products on Amazon. With a professional Amazon seller account, you don’t even need your own website. Simply add your products to your shop and start. With the Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program, you also use Amazon’s logistics (for a fee) to not have to deal with storage, transport, shipping, returns and customer service.

There are also many Amazon alternatives that let you sell jewellery on online marketplaces without a big budget, logistics, or a website. Especially if you’re working independently, selling on Etsy, is a great solution once you’ve opened an Etsy store. Many customers browse for original, handmade products here specifically. But Etsy alternatives like Storenvy, Amazon Handmade, and Bonanza are also great picks for selling jewellery. If you don’t create your own products, then you can resell items via dropshipping.

Online marketplaces to get started selling online

Online marketplace Pros Cons
Amazon Widespread
Widely known
International logistics network
Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)
Basic fee for professional seller account with product sales over 40 products monthly
Amazon commission
Additional costs for FBA
Less independence as a seller
Etsy Popular marketplace for handmade items
Low costs
Easy to use
Transaction fee of 5 percent per sale
Amazon Handmade Amazon shop/program for handmade products with all Amazon benefits for sellers Competitive
Transaction fee of 12 percent per sale
eBay Large user base
Low costs for marketing and setting up store
Sales commission
Little scope for individuality and customer loyalty
Bonanza Community-oriented marketplace
Comparatively low sales fee (3.5 percent)
Not as widely known as Amazon or Etsy

Do you want to sell handmade items but are lacking ideas for products and categories? Check out our online sales guide with the following topics:

Step-by-step guide to selling jewellery online

Follow these steps to get your online jewellery business up and running, generate as much revenue as possible, and build your customer base:

Step 1: Preliminary considerations and preparations

Develop product idea and sales strategy

If you’re just starting out, the first step is developing ideas for products and sales strategies. This includes jewellery lines, individual pieces, and realistic pricing. Also, decide whether you want to sell your own products or third-party goods (e.g., via dropshipping). Do you want to focus on a few unique pieces or do you rather want to sell bigger collections to generate large sales?

Define your target audience and categories

Create a framework based on factors like demographics and buying behaviour to define your target audience and the jewellery you want to sell e.g., rings, necklaces, bracelets, and watches.

Develop the look and feel of your store

Not only what and to whom you sell is crucial. The style, design, and communication should also be well thought out to make your brand or store distinctive. The goal is to create recognition value.

Explore competition and trend analysis

You should neither ignore your competitors nor go in the complete opposite direction of the competition. Analyse similar business models and jewellery lines, create an overview of price ranges in jewellery categories, and get inspired by how successful stores’ design and marketing.

Create a business plan

The basis and guide of a larger-scale jewellery business is to create a business plan. This includes a fully formed business idea, clear marketing strategies, growth targets, sales channels, and information on how your jewellery is made or bought from manufacturers. A realistic financial plan that breaks down your budget, investment plans, and potential investors is especially important, and should also include financial risks.

Develop a marketing strategy

Now it’s time to develop a marketing strategy for promoting your website out there. Find out what marketing tools could come in handy. For example, there are tools like Amazon SEO, Amazon keyword tools and WordPress marketing plugins. Ads and social media marketing can also give you more reach.

Register your business

If you plan on regularly selling jewellery in your online store, then you need to register your business and check whether you need an EIN (employer identification number). If you fail to register your business properly, you may be subject to fines.

Add an imprint and details on data

If you operate a store and sell goods then you need to provide visible, legally compliant terms and conditions, an imprint, and a privacy policy.

Step 2: create an online store to sell jewellery

Create your online store with a tool, store system, or CMS. Your online store should be appealing in terms of design and presentation, and provide customers with a quick overview of offers, shipping, and payment options, as well as prices and additional costs. Product descriptions and images are key, with keywords to improve your SEO ranking. Reliable shipping options, common payment methods, and visible customer support with return policies are also important. Also, choose a suitable domain name, a distinctive store or company name, and an original logo that represents your business.


Online stores need a distinctive domain for recognition value. With IONOS you can register a domain with Wildcard SSL, Domain Lock, and email inbox.

Step 3: find manufacturers and suppliers

If you don’t want to sell your own jewellery, you can find partners to source products from. This can be through wholesale, dropshipping, or independent jewellery designers. With wholesalers, you purchase products in bulk. You store and ship them yourself, which means you cand o quality checks and take advantage of wholesale discounts. Dropshipping eliminates logistics costs because you don’t manufacture, store, or ship your own goods. But, you have little control over shipping speed and product quality. Check the reputability of the people who manufacture and ship your items, because counterfeit goods or poor quality will end up falling back on you.

Step 4: optimise your stop for search engines

To increase your visibility and reach, you should optimise your content for search engines. Learn about the basics of search engine optimisation and especially about image SEO. Also, update your content regularly for better content marketing, to increase traffic and keep new offers and collections coming.


Market and sell your jewellery on social channels like Facebook or Instagram with the Social Buy Button from IONOS.

Step 5: high-end product pics and helpful descriptions

Aesthetics are especially subjective when it comes to jewellery. One of the most important things to consider when selling jewellery online are high-quality product photos with different angles and optimal lighting. Get them done professionally and upload only high-resolution photos. Showing jewellery on models also helps. Equally important are informative product descriptions. Here you can make clear your products’ special features and brand vision.

Step 6: marketing products or building your brand

Following tips on optimising SEO content isn’t enough. It’s best to also learn about email marketing trends, influencer marketing, social media marketing, positive website ratings and customer comments to help grow your user base. WordPress marketing plugins and sponsored ads on Amazon can also help integrate key marketing features in your shop.


An original logo can be eye-catching addition. Use IONOS’ logo generator to create a unique logo to download for free, without registration.

Step 7: analyse statistics and consumer behaviour

Analyse the success of your shop and customers’ buying behaviour by optimising your website with web analytics. This will let you check your KPIs (key performance indicators) and identify deficits in keywords, loading times, or presentation. The popularity of products and categories is also displayed.

Step 8: building and maintaining your store

In the jewellery world, the aesthetics and appeal of the brand are as important as the jewellery itself. Therefore, build a brand with recognition, distinctive style, and trustworthy appearance. This includes:

  • Flawless product pages and images
  • Consistent look and feel
  • Trusted customer support
  • Safe payment methods
  • Easy order processing
  • Reliable shipping

Are you looking for a professional company name for your e-commerce business? Then try the free business name generator from IONOS and get inspired. It includes a check of available domains and name suggestions!

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